Tips on Choosing a College Major

Congratulations! You’ve put in the work to choose a college, apply and now you’ve been accepted! The next step of choosing a major can be hard, but there are ways to help you make a decision. Once you have chosen your college, it is helpful to have a list of all the majors offered. Chances are, you’ve already done some of this research and have a general idea of majors offered at your college of choice. Now, the fun part is choosing what will best uniquely for you!

A journal is a tool you can utilize to keep your thoughts in one place, as you continue to think about your college major, and more ideas come to your mind.
You can start by identifying what subject areas you have interest in or are passionate about.

Sample questions to ask yourself:
What am I passionate about?
What subjects have I always liked?
What are my strengths?

It can also be helpful to help to know what you are not interested in to narrow down your choices.

Sample questions to ask yourself:
What subjects have I always disliked?
What subjects did I dread going to at any grade level?
What are my weaknesses?

Maybe after journaling and thinking about these questions you have narrowed it down to a few choices- now what?! Well, doing more research can help. A simple google search can be helpful to see what types of opportunities are available or to show you professions in different subject areas. However, the best research will come from someone in the field. If you can connect with someone in the field that you are interested in, you can gain a perspective on what this field could actually be like for you. Many colleges provide opportunities for field research and internships in the future as well. It is helpful to connect with a college advisor on campus to answer questions related specifically to your school.

Lastly, it is important to remember that you are not locked into a major forever once you decide- it is possible to change your mind! It is best to put thought and effort into choosing which direction you want to go in, but it is perfectly acceptable to change your mind once you start and realize that is not the right path.

Still struggling to make a decision? You don’t have to take this journey on your own! Click here to schedule a free consult with a therapist on our team to help guide you in this decision-making process and transition into your new phase of life entering college!

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