Q+A with Ashleigh

Welcome to our clinician spotlight series! Meet our clinicians in a different way and learn more about us off the couch!


Myers Briggs (MBTI): INFJ
Enneagram type2
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
Love language: Words of affirmation


What’s your favorite season and why? Summer- I love going to the beach and the warm weather

What is your favorite scent? Vanilla and lavender

What is your favorite type of music to listen to? Alternative and popular

What is your favorite fast food? How serious are you about this? Chicken nuggets and fries, especially from Chick-fil-a. I would eat it everyday if I could

What is your favorite thing about your career? Seeing people make positive changes that have a positive influence on their life is incredibly rewarding

What is your favorite junk food? Potato chips and French fries

What is your favorite city? Charleston, SC

What is your favorite musical? Yes! Dear Evan Hansen

What is your favorite board game? Disney’s Villainous

Who is your favorite book character? Why? Hermione Granger from Harry Potter- she was always a strong female character and everyone underestimated her! I looked up to her when I read the series as a kid.

Who is your favorite comedian? Kristen Wiig

What’s your favorite color? Teal and Burgundy

What’s your favorite fairytale? Why? Beauty and the Beast- I always identified the most with Belle!

Everyday life

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee


Show us your pets:

How do you spend your time when you’re not working? Walking/hiking with my dogs, reading a book or bingeing a show with my family

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Neither? More of an early bird, though.

How do you prefer to start your day? Coffee first, and then a walk with my dogs.

What’s your most hated household chore? Loading the dishwasher

What’s the wallpaper on your cell phone? My dog, Daisy

How do you prefer to end your day? Burning a candle or using some essential oils with a good show and Daisy on my lap

Name something that made you smile today: Daisy on my lap while I finished up a book!

Show us the last five emojis you’ve used. 😂♥️🥰😅🥳

Do you have any family traditions that you love? Going to Cape May, NJ every summer for family vacation

What did you binge watch recently? The new season of Ozark

Preferences, Dislikes, and Likes

Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunset

What TV show or movie to you quote the most? It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

What is your guilty pleasure? Staying in my PJs all day and watching Disney movies

What movie never fails to make you laugh? The Heat

What drives you crazy that people do to the environment? Leaving their trash/recycling on the ground!!

Do you watch professional sports? Which sports? Which teams do you root for? I love my Philadelphia teams- Phillies, Flyers, Eagles, Philadelphia Union

Do you collect anything? Crystals/gemstones and seashells

What color do you mostly see in your closet? Black and grey

What do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime and why? There are so many- but I love my Apple Watch!

What reality TV show do you secretly enjoy? I love all of the Real Housewives, also the MTV show The Challenge


What was your first job? Daycare Aide

What’s the first concert you ever went to? Elton John

What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured? Hitting myself in the face with a car door

What was the most adventurous thing that you have ever done? Camping in Watkins Glen!

Who had the biggest impact on your life? My parents

Strengths and Talents

What achievement are you the most proud of? Why? Getting my License in Professional Counseling! It took a lot of schooling, time, and effort!

What sport are you terrible at? What sport are you good at? I’m not athletic so I would say I’m terrible at all of them- but I did used to play soccer.

What are three words that best describes you? Reserved, kind, quiet

How many languages can you speak? Two


If you could have any pet you wanted, what would it be? A turtle

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation

If you could talk to one species of animal, which would you choose? I would talk to canines- I would love to have actual conversations with my dogs

Fun Facts

  • I LOVE Disney
  • You’d never guess that I have tattoos!
  • The last thing I took a photo of was my dog, Daisy!
  • My biggest fear is one of my pets getting hurt or sick.

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