Keiko Wolfe

Keiko has 15 years of clinical experience working with ages 4 and up. She focuses on empowering clients by challenging patterns and assisting in their creation of self-developed coping strategies. Her preferred approaches incorporate Eriksonian hypnotherapy, mindfulness, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Cognitive Therapy. Keiko is the founding owner of Blossom, and you can often find her hosting workshops, groups, and free events, and at all of our community events!

Igniting That Inner Spark: The Art of Pushing Past Limits and Turning Dreams into Reality

Igniting That Inner Spark: The Art of Pushing Past Limits and Turning Dreams into Reality

Picture this: You’re standing at the edge of a diving board – the high one. You’ve climbed up here, step by step, fueled by a dream. But now, looking down into the waters far below, doubt whispers, “What if you can’t?” That’s the moment – the exact point where dreams either take flight or tumble. […]

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Challenges, Motivation
5 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Free Consultation

5 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Free Consultation {Free Printable!}

It’s totally normal to feel nervous before your free consultation! Finding a good therapist can be challenging, intimidating, and stressful. We hope to make it an empowering and comforting experience. At Blossom, you can book a free consultation directly on our website. This initial meeting usually lasts up to 30 minutes and gives you an

5 Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Free Consultation {Free Printable!} Read More »

Getting Started, Therapy
How Hypnotherapy Can Be Your Secret Weapon for Success

How Hypnotherapy Can Be Your Secret Weapon for Success

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and control, often described as a trance or altered state of consciousness. It is a natural state of mind and body connection that bypasses your thinking mind (conscious mind) and taps into the inner resources of your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is limitless. It stores everything –

How Hypnotherapy Can Be Your Secret Weapon for Success Read More »

Anxiety, Children, Depression, Professional/Work, Stress, Teens, Therapy, Treatments
AutPlay Therapy

AutPlay Therapy

Certified AutPlay providers treat children and families through a natural, play therapy-based approach that is both therapist-led and parent-led. This collaborative model combines play therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and relationship development to assist children and adolescents in gaining needed skills and abilities. AutPlay Therapy Addresses Improvement in the Following Areas: Emotional Regulation Ability Social Skills

AutPlay Therapy Read More »

Anxiety, Children, Depression, Family, Parenting, Stress, Teens, Therapy, Treatments
Assertiveness Training and How It Can Help You

Assertiveness Training and How It Can Help You

We all have the right to express ourselves as long as we do it in a respectful way. Assertiveness is a communication style that helps us express ourselves in a direct, honest manner while respecting the rights and dignity of others. Assertive people ask for what they want; they speak up to express their needs

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Anxiety, Couples, Depression, Family, Parenting, Professional/Work, Stress, Teens, Therapy, Treatments
The Narcissist's Favorite Lines: Unpacking the Language of Manipulation

The Narcissist’s Favorite Lines: Unpacking the Language of Manipulation

Have you ever had a conversation that left you feeling like you just went ten rounds in an emotional boxing ring, yet somehow, you ended up apologizing? Welcome to the world of narcissistic conversations. Narcissists are known for their charming yet manipulative nature, often weaving a web of confusion with their words. Identifying the key

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5 Ways Physical Fitness Leads to Mental Fitness

5 Ways Physical Fitness Leads to Mental Fitness

We’re all familiar with the physical benefits of fitness and exercise, but did you know that your emotional and mental health improve with exercise, too? Historically, the mind, body, and spirit were treated as separate entities. As we’ve progressed with research, we now know that these are intertwined, and treating one component will absolutely have

5 Ways Physical Fitness Leads to Mental Fitness Read More »

Anxiety, Nutrition, Stress, Therapy, Treatments, Wellness

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