Meet Emmett’s Friends

Hi, guys! It’s me – Emmett Chase aka Emmett the Wonder Dog. You’re probably wondering how I can type with paws. Luckily, Keiko types for me!

You probably see me at Blossom throughout the week, waiting for you in the waiting room and greeting you at the door. Every day when I come to work, I’m so excited to see everybody who visits Blossom! I love it so much that sometimes my mom lets me bring my other friends and brothers and sisters to the office with us.


This is my brother, Benny the Best! When we hang out with our clients at work, Benny is excellent at creating a calm space – I mean, look at how relaxed he is! He loves to snuggle and is laid back.
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These are my puddleduck friends! They’ve visited the office a few times, and we had a great time waddling around making art!
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This is my sister, Princess Jasmine! Jasmine loves to play games, and she’s relaxed just like Benny.
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I’m very cute, so here are some photos of me! 😊 I like to snuggle and get all the back and ear rubs I can. Sometimes, I’m so excited to see my clients that I try to bring them back to my office before my mom is ready! As soon as I hear the doorbell, I always come out to say hi (unless I’m with a client – I am a professional, you know😉).
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