
Keiko Wolfe

Keiko has 13 years of clinical experience working with ages 4 and up. She focuses on empowering clients by challenging patterns and assisting in their creation of self-developed coping strategies. Her preferred approaches incorporate Eriksonian hypnotherapy, mindfulness, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Cognitive Therapy. Keiko is the founding owner of Blossom, and you can often find her hosting workshops, groups, and free events, and at all of our community events!

Beating the Winter Blues

Beating the Winter Blues

Early sunsets, colder temperatures, snow, and gray skies. The change in weather and the slump after the holidays can make some of us feel the winter blues. seasonal affective disorder The winter blues is a general term for feeling down throughout the winter months, typically December through February. Some of us feel this decline, especially

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What is CBT?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (better known as CBT) is considered one of the most successful forms of psychotherapy and coping skills development. Conceptualized by Aaron Beck at the University of Pennsylvania, this therapy incorporates both talk therapy and behavioral strategies in its approach. CBT helps clients understand the thoughts that influence their feelings and behaviors. Because

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Journal Prompts

Self-Discovery Journal Prompts In what situations has my greatest strength served me well? What are ten things I am grateful for this week? What can I do to take better care of myself? What do I need more of in my life? What does my ideal day look like? What is a missed opportunity I

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