Blossom Team

Our team of compassionate therapists is here to help you find the support you need. We believe in a holistic approach, treating your mind, body, and spirit. With a blend of traditional and alternative therapies, we tailor your experience to meet your unique needs. At Blossom, we create a non-judgmental space where you can be your authentic self. Our goal is to empower you, amplify your strengths, and help you create lasting change. Together, we'll navigate life's challenges and help you bloom, grow, blossom! You deserve to become the best version of you.

How ACT Can Inspire You to Find Comfort in Acceptance

How ACT Can Inspire You to Find Comfort in Acceptance

Acceptance and commitment therapy is a therapeutic technique that falls under the CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) umbrella. CBT therapy targets a person’s cognitions (or thoughts), behaviors, and feelings. A cognitive behavioral therapist may use a variety of techniques such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to enhance their practice. ACT practitioners use a CBT lens to

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Anxiety, Depression, OCD, Stress, Teens, Therapy, Treatments

Prepping for College: Your Emotional and Mental Health Needs

Preparing for the new chapter of a teenager’s life of entering college is an exciting yet nerve-wracking time! There are so many things to do to prepare- such as shopping, finding a roommate, academic schedules, etc. The one area that many new college students forget to prepare for is addressing emotional and mental health needs

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Anxiety, College/Students, Family
4 Time Saving Tips that Will Change Your Mornings

4 Time Saving Tips that Will Change Your Mornings

Time. What a concept. It flies by when you’re having fun. It drags on when you’re anxiously waiting for something. It keeps us on a schedule and stresses us when we’re running behind schedule. There is never enough of it, it seems. As someone who has never been a morning person, I’ve developed some time

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Anxiety, Children, Couples, Depression, Family, How To, Monday Motivation, Professional/Work, Stress, Teens, Wellness

The Perfect Game to Teach Feelings

Want a new spin on the classic game of “Candyland?” Especially during these times of staying in due to the pandemic, parents/caregivers need fresh, new ideas to keep children occupied. Playing “Feelings Candyland” can add an extra layer by addressing children’s mental health while having fun! Depending on where children are at developmentally, it is

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Anxiety, Children, Depression, Family, How To, Parenting, Stress, Teens
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