
Blossom Team

Our team of compassionate therapists is here to help you find the support you need. We believe in a holistic approach, treating your mind, body, and spirit. With a blend of traditional and alternative therapies, we tailor your experience to meet your unique needs. At Blossom, we create a non-judgmental space where you can be your authentic self. Our goal is to empower you, amplify your strengths, and help you create lasting change. Together, we'll navigate life's challenges and help you bloom, grow, blossom! You deserve to become the best version of you.

Finding Balance in Sharing and Caring: Trauma Dumping

Finding Balance in Sharing and Caring: Trauma Dumping

In our journey through life, we all carry our own set of emotional luggage. Some pieces are light and easy to manage, while others are heavy, cumbersome, and often, deeply personal. When it comes to sharing these heavier aspects, particularly our traumas, the concept of ‘trauma dumping’ emerges as a complex and delicate topic. What […]

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The 10-10-10 Rule: A Simple Strategy for Better Decision-Making

The 10-10-10 Rule: A Simple Strategy for Better Decision-Making

Making decisions can be tough, especially when there are several options to choose from. Sometimes, we tend to make hasty decisions, without carefully considering the possible outcomes. This is where the 10-10-10 rule comes in – a simple strategy that can help us make better decisions. What is the 10-10-10 Rule? The 10-10-10 rule is

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When You’re Keeping It Together, But Barely

When You’re Keeping It Together, But Barely

Have you ever seen someone who seems to have it all together – they’re rocking their job, nailing their social life, and yet, beneath that polished exterior, there’s an undercurrent of sadness, fatigue, or emptiness? This paradox is what many term as ‘functional depression,’ a lesser-known but equally significant cousin of major depression. The Mask

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The Surprising Reason Why Life Feels Less Intense

The Surprising Reason Why Life Feels Less Intense

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and there’s a hint of freshness in the air. Yet, something feels… different. Life seems quieter, maybe even a bit muted. It’s as if someone turned down the volume on life’s intensity dial. Sounds familiar? Let’s dive into this curious phenomenon that most

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