Blossom Team

Our team of compassionate therapists is here to help you find the support you need. We believe in a holistic approach, treating your mind, body, and spirit. With a blend of traditional and alternative therapies, we tailor your experience to meet your unique needs. At Blossom, we create a non-judgmental space where you can be your authentic self. Our goal is to empower you, amplify your strengths, and help you create lasting change. Together, we'll navigate life's challenges and help you bloom, grow, blossom! You deserve to become the best version of you.

How Growth Mindset Can be Your Secret Weapon Against Stubbornness

How Growth Mindset Can be Your Secret Weapon Against Stubbornness

We all know that person… the “my way or the highway” person, the stubborn personality. Sometimes, stubbornness pays off – such dedication to a task can be a real strength. Putting 110% into a big project or practicing free-throws for hours can help you achieve your goals. Sometimes though it is more of a hindrance, […]

How Growth Mindset Can be Your Secret Weapon Against Stubbornness Read More »

Q+A with Katie

Welcome to our clinician spotlight series! Meet our clinicians in a different way and learn more about us off the couch! Personality  Zodiac sign: Virgo Favorites What’s your favorite season and why? I love Winter and the blankets of snow it brings! What is your favorite scent? Vanilla What is your favorite type of music

Q+A with Katie Read More »

Stay Chill with These 5 Relaxation Tips for Teens

Being a teenager comes with various responsibilities and stressors. And does it ever seem like parents and other adults don’t remember how stressful the teenage years can be? Trying to balance school, sports, jobs, clubs, friendships, relationships, family, and your physical and mental health is NOT easy! And depending on your age, you may also

Stay Chill with These 5 Relaxation Tips for Teens Read More »

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