How ACT Can Inspire You to Find Comfort in Acceptance

How ACT Can Inspire You to Find Comfort in Acceptance

Acceptance and commitment therapy is a therapeutic technique that falls under the CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) umbrella. CBT therapy targets a person’s cognitions (or thoughts), behaviors, and feelings. A cognitive behavioral therapist may use a variety of techniques such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to enhance their practice. ACT practitioners use a CBT lens to

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Prepping for College: Your Emotional and Mental Health Needs

Preparing for the new chapter of a teenager’s life of entering college is an exciting yet nerve-wracking time! There are so many things to do to prepare- such as shopping, finding a roommate, academic schedules, etc. The one area that many new college students forget to prepare for is addressing emotional and mental health needs

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Welcoming Anger

Anger. When we have it, we know what it looks like, feels like, and sounds like. And it certainly has a bad reputation. Anger is a strong emotion that shakes up the nervous system and does a number on the body. Of all the emotions out there, this one may be the most misunderstood. You’ve

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