Five Ways to Help Kids Be Mindful in the Classroom

Five Ways to Help Kids Be Mindful in the Classroom

To understand mindful learning in the classroom, we first have to understand what “mindful” means. Take a moment and think to yourself, “What does mindful mean to me?” Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines mindful as “inclined to be aware.” For me, mindful means being in the moment of not only our surroundings and the various stimuli,

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One Powerful Tip for When You’re Feeling Mentally Exhausted

Mental exhaustion is exactly what it sounds like. Mental distress, whether pathological, situational, or stress related, is real. The exhaustion our brains and bodies feel when experiencing such events is not only real, but something we need to notice, feel, and take time to practice self-care in vulnerability and gentleness. I can honestly say that

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What No One Tells You About Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal in a relationship, whether with a friend, family member, or intimate partner, can be so damaging to the betrayed partner that it can cause symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. These symptoms can include, but aren’t limited to, Nightmares Hyper-vigilance Numbing Withdrawal from others Agitation/irritability Self-destructive behaviors Flashbacks Insomnia Persistent thoughts, both

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